Generic promethazine syrup, which is made from morphine-1. This considered a "first-line" treatment when there are no other symptoms of the virus. However, if multiple infections occur, use of this Cheap canadian cialis online drug may not be appropriate, particularly within a few weeks following the last infection. Inactivated poliovirus is not available in the United States. However, some countries require this product to be labeled with the warning that "this product contains a live oral poliovirus that may cause severe illness (i.e. death) in people with AIDS." Q. What are the side effects of this vaccine? One of the most common side effects reported is an adverse generic version of promethazine reaction commonly called Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Symptoms are often similar to those of a paralytic stroke, but not always. In the majority of cases, Guillain-Barré can resolve spontaneously within several weeks. However, this usually only occurs in people with advanced AIDS. Other more severe side effects may include headache, joint pain, rash, vision problems, and hearing loss. In rare cases, people may have seizures and other serious side effects. These effects may vary in severity depending on the of initial illness, type virus being exposed, and a person health history. The severity of these adverse reactions (if any) is often related to the amount and duration of exposure to the virus. Q. Is the vaccine safe? Yes. The vaccine will protect all age groups against polio disease. The vaccine is given as an inactivated oral vaccine and does not have a preservative. This means that the virus is destroyed in production process, and no viable virus remains. Q. What are the benefits of this vaccine? The benefits of poliovirus vaccine are numerous and include the following: It saves a person's life from the long-term consequences of polio. death rate one or more months following an infection with polio vaccine-protected animals is lower than one or more months after a person does not have immunity. Polio infections are rare in developing countries. This vaccine prevents a variety of other serious and life‑threatening diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and severe burns in Africa. Q. Who should not get this vaccine? In the United States, only people who require close monitoring, such as people hospitalized for sepsis or organ transplant patients, should get this vaccine. Q. Should I get the vaccine if my family already has a polio or other childhood disease? Most people who have not had polio should get vaccinated, particularly because of the low vaccine-preventable polio cases in most developing countries. Some adults may consider it in their immunization history. Q. Where can I get more information? Health care providers in the United States can obtain information.

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